Saturday, December 11, 2010

Regarding that Apple story...

There are stories on how I discovered my Universal Laws of Motion… Rumor has it that an apple fell on my head, thus my brain automatically (more like magically from this story…) came up with the three laws. No. Here is my story.
I was wandering about one day when suddenly an apple fell. What? The fruit falling made me wonder… What force was pulling the apple down from the tree? How did it fall? My mind began to ponder. I had observed a simple apple falling at that certain speed. What if it fell from a higher distance? Hmmm…
Then I began to question even more. The moon is orbiting the earth, but what keeps the moon at that constant distance for the rotation? There must be some kind of a force, or pull. Well I named that force or pull gravity.
I studied and researched about the gravitational pulls of objects and kept Kepler’s laws of planetary motion in mind. With letters exchanged with Hooke, I’ve discovered a proof. The centripetal force that is proportional to the square of the radius vector was the result of the elliptical form of planetary orbits! I studied even further and with some encouragement I published my discoveries into my book, Principia.
The Universal Laws of Motion was born. It included 3 laws. The first is very similar to Galileo’s Inertia. “Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in the state of motion unless an external force is applied to it”
The Second states that “When an object is in a state of uniform motion, all of the forces acting on it are balanced. The change in balance created when you push or throw the stone causes acceleration of the object until the forces acting upon it regain balance and the object returns to a state of uniform motion. “
And lastly, the third law states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Think of a rocket. The fuel ignites, driving gases down out of the rear at tremendous speed and the rocket moves up (accelerates) in direct relationship to the gases being expelled. “
Yes, I was criticized on some of my work regarding this topic. Those idiots don’t know what they are talking about. It is obviously I am much more intellectual than they are! Ohh, how ignorant people can make me so frustrated sometimes…


  1. Amazing! It is interesting how the real story is very different from ones that i have heard. And this must have taken you extremely long to figure out, I am profoundly impressed even if i am a mathematician. I also heard that you are a religious man, so that is another reason why i am impressed, how you can also be devoted to both areas. I also hope you may have stumbled upon my advances in science, they are related to the hydraulic liquids.

    With Highest Respect,
    Blaise Pascal

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  3. Dear Newton,
    Good job on your incredible discoveries! I am very impressed with your thinking. I never would have thought about why an apple would fall. I would only think about how eating the apple would affect the body. I am very sorry to hear that your ideas were criticized, as were mine. I hope you continue with your discoveries and wish you the best of luck!
    William Harvey
